Ready to Start Saving Money?

Grab the FREE 52 Week Savings Challenge today!

Send me my FREE 52 Week Savings Challenge, Please!

Here's what you'll get with this FREE 52 Week Savings Challenge: 

  • Get the 52 Week Savings Challenge Google Sheet so you can quickly get started without having to do all the math.
  • Easily track how much you've saved throughout the year.
  • Visually see your progress so you can stay motivated!
  • Enter your savings goal and it will automatically calculate your weekly goal!
  • Grab the 52 Week Savings Challenge while it lasts for FREE!

About Me: 

Hey Friend!

I am Ashley Patrick, personal finance expert, and founder of Budgets Made Easy. I help busy moms save money and pay off debt using simple systems so they can reach their big dreams easier and faster.

I was able to pay off $45,000 in just 17 months I am a Master Financial Coach and help people like you manage their budgets so they can save money and pay off debt faster and easier.

It's time to stop wishing and start living the life you want.


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